Service Learning

Teacher : Mrs.Diana Herawati,S.Pd.

Name    : M Zabid Ainun N
Class    : XII MIPA 6-18
Number : 22

    In times of the COVID-19 pandemic like this, we must maintain our body's immunity by exercising and taking vitamins. And in Indonesian, there are various herbal drinks that have many properties such as helping to maintain the body's immunity, for example, like the synomic herbal medicine that I made.In addition to helping maintain the body's immune system, there are other benefits of the herbal medicine sinom, namely:
1. Antiseptic

    For those of you who are feeling a fever or chills, this synom is indeed a mainstay that doesn't hurt to be consumed. Because, the benefits of sinom are believed to have antiseptic properties that can overcome fever symptoms. In addition, its delicious taste will also make you feel nauseous when you eat it.
2. Natural antioxidants

    As is known, antioxidants are very useful in counteracting free radicals in the body. If you are a person with a busy life, then you should consume synom frequently so that the body becomes immune to the threat of disease.
3. Overcoming colds

    The benefits of sinom can also overcome colds, stomach ulcers, nausea, and dizziness. In addition, many also use synom as a natural remedy for the treatment of gastric disease.
4. Reducing pain during menstruation

    When menstruating, women will definitely experience extreme pain in the abdomen. So, to treat this condition, you can take sinom. Because, the properties of sinom are believed to be able to make menstruation smooth so that the pain is not too strong in pressure.
5. Treating constipation

    If you experience constipation, then Sinom is the right herbal medicine for you. So, you can use it as a home remedy for digestive problems. We recommend that you drink sinom with a little sugar, or even don't use sugar at all.
The flavonoids contained in this natural medicine also have other benefits as anti-inflammatory so that synom can be used to reduce pain, inflammation and joint pain as well as to cure coughs and fever.
6. Control blood sugar

    The efficacy of sinom can control blood sugar levels. Consume Sinom regularly to make your blood sugar levels normal.

7. Lower blood pressure

    The benefits of sinom can reduce high blood pressure or hypertension. Sinom is known to improve blood circulation. This herbal remedy is perfect for those who suffer from hypertension.
8. Smooth breathing

    If you suffer from asthma, sinom is the right herbal remedy to treat it. The benefits of sinom can smooth the respiratory tract.

Apart from the tamarind leaves which are beneficial for health, tamarind fruit is no less beneficial for health.
    Because I wanted my family and I to avoid COVID-19, I invited my brother to make this herbal drink Sinom to help increase body immunity. Here's how to make it:

1. Prepare materials.

2. Wash the turmeric thoroughly.

3. Pour water into the pot.

4. Peel the turmeric clean.

5. Cut the turmeric thinly.

6. Put the turmeric in the pan.

7. Put the tamarind into the pan.

8. Then cut the brown sugar so that it dissolves easily.

9. Put brown sugar into the pan.

10. Put enough sugar into the pan.

11.  After cooking, turn off the stove then wait for it to become warm then add enough salt.

12. Sinom is ready to be enjoyed.


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